#518: 250L Aquatic Garden Isla de Encanto

Thomas Lawler Seattle, United States

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Isla de Encanto
Volume 250L
Background "Ice White" acrylic sheet from TAP Plastics
Lighting Fluval Plant 3.0, length of 36-48".
10.5 hours a day, increasing to 80%
Filtration OASE Biomaster 350, with in-line DIY (baking soda+citric acid+water) CO2 kit.
Plants Sagitaria Subalata, Ludwigia Palustrus, Echinodorus sps, Anubias Congensis, Anubias Nana, Anubias Barteri, Cryptocorine Tropica, Cryptocorine Wenditti, Bolbitus Huedoloti, Hydrocotyl Tripartita, Pteropus Microsorum,
Animals Longfin Danio - 8
Black Emperor Tetras - 4
Ember Tetra - 24
Panda Corydoras - 12
Amano Shrimp - 16
Otocinclus - 8
Zebra Nerite Snail - 12
Materials Substrate - Fluval Stratum, Lava pebbles, Ecocomplete Red,
Sand - Imagitarium White Powder Sand
Rocks - Black Lava Rocks
Wood - Iron wood
Additional Information My inspiration came from a disaster response after Hurricane Maria to beautiful Puerto Rico and spending time on the "Island of Enchantments". Second aquascape entered into a contest (IAPLC 2022). Panda Corydoras and Black Emperor Tetras are breeding. Fertilizing with Aquarium Co-op Easy Green.

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