#120: 118L Aquatic Garden Flooded Cenote

Mateus Fér Pereira Salvador, Brazil

Awards and Comments

First Place
Just stunning.
— Karen Randall
Nice work very technical and skilled. Maybe the plants in the foreground could be a little bit more thinned out. Anyway congratulations!
— Nigel Hoevenaar
The hardscape is clean and fantastic in this piece. Personally I might reduce the amount of aquatic plants and highlight the hardscape a bit more but the current appearance is already very beautiful. The cave-like layout might pose some challenges in maintenance but is excellent as a habitat for fish. For the next artwork paying more attention to the mirror effect reflecting on the water's surface might further enhance the beauty of the piece. Thank you for this wonderful artwork and congratulations.
— Cho Jaesun
Very interesting aquarium very scenic and designed for contests inspired by the Cenotes of Mexico.
Well executed with very balanced and well assembled hardscape.
— Andre Longarco

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 75 × 45 × 35 cm
Title Flooded Cenote
Volume 118L
Background None
Lighting 01 Luminária Forfish SunRed Pro
Filtration Boyu FEF-280, 04 XTPumps
Plants Fissidens, Nambei Moss, Willow moss, Bucephalandra Brownie Ghost, Anubia nana, Hydrocotyle Tripartita Mini, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Micranthemum Monte Carlo, Eriocaulon sp. Vietnam, Staurogyne repens, Eleocharis parvula, Eleocharis Minima, Hygrophila difformis, Marsilea hirsuta, Mayaca
Animals Red Dwarf Ceará 'Piabinha' Tetras
Materials Seiryu Stones, Ficus Retusa vine
Additional Information This aquarium was built from the observation of caves and cenotes in Mexico (mainly the Ik Kil Cenote) in the havy rainy season. The animals were chosen based on the similarity between the Banded Tetras found in these environments.
Agradecimento aos apoiadores:

Time Brazillian Aquascaping Union

Loja Aquário Estilos - BA
Onda Aquários - Equipamentos e Hardscape
Forfish - Iluminação para Aquários
Powerfert - Fertilizante para Aquários
Aquaplante - Plantas In Vitro
Chácara Takeyoshi - Plantas para Aquários

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