#293: 25L Aquatic Garden Green forest

Aditia eko saputro Ponorogo, Indonesia

Awards and Comments

First Place
The left hand side of this tank is really beautifully done. Unfortunately the right side loses focus somewhat. In general I am not a fan of mirror "lakes" but I think it works pretty well in this layout especially because you have managed a really nice reflection in it! Likewise while blue backgrounds don't always look good the varying tones of this one that make it look like clouds work in this case!
— Karen Randall
Impeccable work with a very strong impression in such a small tank. Overall I would say that the quality of the photo could be improved it seems to have a strong green tint on it. The foreground looks a bit cluttered. Congratulations.
— Nigel Hoevenaar
Although I don't welcome the use of artificial elements in aquascapes this setup is quite interesting. Good perspective and good plan work where we can clearly observe a good depth of field and good lines of force.
Points that could be improved: The excessively bluish tone caused by the reflection of the "sky". This artificial tone detracted from the natural atmosphere of the layout. I don't know if I'm right but it is possible to observe a small widespread outbreak of algae mainly more visible in the mosses on the foreground. Good choice of fish but particularly I believe that neocaridinas are dispensable in this case as they attract a lot of attention and deliver proportionate work.
Generaly your work is very good but in the next layout take care of the maintainance and fertilizer and with the small details.
Anyway congratulations awesome job.
— Andre Longarco
An environment that inspires the creation of artwork based on the likeness of natural scenes such as this piece is a true blessing for aquascapers. The hardscape is meticulously crafted and flawless. Personally I'm not particularly fond of using mirrors but in this artwork their inclusion is well-suited. The visual effect of water within the water creates significant visual interest. While a greater variety of aquatic plant species might have added more diversity considering the tank size the selection and arrangement of the aquatic plants in this artwork are excellent. Impressive work. Thank you for sharing this incredible piece and congratulations!
— Cho Jaesun

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 40 × 25 × 25 cm
Title Green forest
Volume 25L
Background Backlight white
Lighting Chihiros wrgb II slim
Filtration Sumpfilter in behind the tank
Plants Bucephalandra, weeping moss, fissiden moss, flame moss, rotala green, cabomba grees
Animals Amandae fish, red cherry shrimps,
Materials Turly rock, rasamala wood, soil
Additional Information My inspirations from jungle and lake in the real life, and green colour have a spirit of life

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