#328: 3.3L Wabi-Kusa 萤火

彭昶尧 成都, China

Awards and Comments


There are two primary ways to utilize wabi kusa: as a isolated display emphasizing the substrate ball or as a tool for creating emergent scenes.

This wabi kusa does the latter very successfully. The viewer is immediately transported to a riverbank or water's edge of wetlands.

The transition from land to water is carefully considered with stems gently flowing down to the submerged portion. A mixture of floating plants provides great detail.

The vessel whilst slightly obscured in shadows fits well with the color palette utilized. Its form makes the display feel well-confined and isolated like any good wabi kusa should.

The Hygrophila pinnatifida is very impressive showcasing small tightly-packed growth that is indicative of well-planned trimming with an emphasis on natural appearance.

The driftwood does not enhance the layout. It competes with the Hygrophila for height. It's unweathered appearance also contrasts starkly with the texture of the plants.

The plant palette is expansive but ultimately quite restricted in color which enhances the natural appearance of the wabi kusa. The foreground Bucephalandra distracts only slightly with few humidity-damaged leaves.

Overall this is a highly-successful wabi kusa that is forward-thinking and a prime example of effective execution through careful husbandry.

Brilliant work!
— Jack McCarley
Lavandula is a terrestrial plant
— Jo Ann Fujii
Used lavender in the layout.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 22 × 22 × 7 cm
Title 萤火
Volume 3.3L
Lighting Spotlights
Plants Lavandula pinnata Lundmark.Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam.Salvinia cuccullata.Rotala Manipurensis.Ludwigia arcuata.Ranunculus inundatus.Bucephalandra Sintang.Lemna minor.
Additional Information By the mountain stream.

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