#354: 64.8L Aquatic Garden The lost path

Alejandro Guevara Martínez Pulpí, Spain

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 36 cm
Title The lost path
Volume 64.8L
Background translucent sheet
Lighting Chihiros WRGBII slim - 8 hours/day
Filtration Oase Biomaster thermo 250 with matrix
Plants Rotala Hr'a, Rotala Green, Rotala Rotundifolia, Staurogyne repens, Micranthemum tweediei, althernanthera reinickii mini, eleocharis acicularis mini, cryptocorine parva, bucephalandras (biblis red, lamandau mini red, lamandau purple, keddagang)
Animals 18 Hyphessobrycon amandae, 5 ottocinclus affinis, 5 caridinas multidentatas, 5 clithon corona, 10 neocaridinas orange rili
Materials Substrate neosoil, seiryu stone, JBL river sand
Additional Information 2HR and AquaRio ferts, presurized CO2.

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