#411: 77L Paludarium Unruh Mons

Javier Salmeron CDMX, Mexico


Great balance of the hardscaping between the water and land. Your selection of plants in the upper part is on point. However I would have liked to see more aquatic plants.
— John Tran
Masterful work using the stone to create the paludarium with good depth. I would have liked to see some different plants incorporated into the aquascape and your water portion was not emphasized at all in your final layout which is required in our contest.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 36 × 36 cm
Title Unruh Mons
Volume 77L
Lighting 1x UNS Titan 1
Filtration 1x UNS Delta 60
Plants Fissidens miroshaki
Fissidens sp. "Mini"
Bolbitis "Difformis"
Micranthemum tweediei
Hemianthus callitrichoides
Animals 20x Brevibora dorsiocellata
15x Neocaridina davidi
Materials Seiryu Stone

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