#604: 250L Aquatic Garden The valley of the blooming kualakuayan.

Evgeny Sukhorukov Mostovskoy, Russian Federation

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 50 × 50 cm
Title The valley of the blooming kualakuayan.
Volume 250L
Background no
Lighting Chihiros LED A901 (in the amount of two pieces, are dimmed to half the power)
Filtration Aqua One "Nautilus 1100", 1100л/ч, 22W,
Plants Anubias: barteri var. nana, barteri var. nana petit, barteri var. nana small;
Bolbitis heudelotii, Microsorum «Windelov»;
Bucephalandra: Apple leaf, Blue Leaf Melawi SWK, Silver powder WK, Kualakuayan, Ongis nade;
Riccardia chamedryfolia, Phoenix moss. Lilaeopsis brasiliensis.
Animals Paracheirodon innesi; Neocaridina Davidi var. Bloody Mary.
Materials quartz 1-2 mm, driftwood

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