#755: 100L Aquatic Garden ದಂಡಕಾರಣ್ಯ ( The forest of Dandaka)

Skanda P S Shivamogga, India

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 45 × 36 cm
Title ದಂಡಕಾರಣ್ಯ ( The forest of Dandaka)
Volume 100L
Background White flim
Lighting Chihiros wrgb slim
Filtration Aqua Nature canister filter TF 150
Plants Anubias coffefolia
Anubias barteri var nana
Anubias barteri var nana petite
Anubias snow flake
Anubias golden nana
Eleocharis paravulla
Monte carlo
Calucostela probatikana
Hydrocotyle tripatita
Hygrophila pinatifida
Myrophylum metagrosens
Limnophila sp.vietnam
Ludwigia super red
Rotala ramosior florida
Rotala macrandra green
Syngonanthus logo grande
Pogestemon stalatus dassin purple
Rananculus inunduatus
Cryptocoryne lucens
Echinodorus tenulus
Cryptocoryne walkery.
Animals Neon tetra
Cardinal tetra
Black neon tetra
Harlequin rarsbora
Cherry shrimp
Materials ADA Amazonia soil v2
Frodo stone
Malayan wood
Additional Information I got inspiration from ramayana . Ramayana is the Bharat (Indian) mythology story.In that story I picked small portion ,one day vishwamitra sage came to Dasharatha palace and asked to send Rama and lakshmana to kill demons who tortured those stages in the Dandaka forest.and then Dasharatha send there children Rama and lakshmana to kill those demons . And then Rama and lakshmana destroyed those demons in that Dandaka forest☺️🚩

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