#268: 5L Paludarium 林涧溪淙

赵锐 绍兴市, China

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Excellent structure and hardscaping designed for the paludarium. I would have liked to have seen the stumps on the trees hidden and much more room for the fish but based on the size of the tank this was very well done!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 31 × 18 × 10 cm
Title 林涧溪淙
Volume 5L
Lighting LED 9W×1
Filtration 2w 200L/h 水泵,内滤类型
Plants 羽裂福禄桐、绿地珊瑚蕨、凤尾蕨、金发藓、尖叶提灯藓、小羽藓、砂藓、未知苔藓1、未知苔藓2
Animals 青鳉6、浙江米虾8、溪蚬2
Materials 聚氨酯泡沫和溪石塑造的溪流模型;轻石、水苔、赤玉土建立的底床;溪石、枯枝等。

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