#619: 240L Paludarium Jungle Slice

Michał Wasilewski Białystok, Poland

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Beautiful! I love this paludarium! The plants in the land portion is mature and fits the layout extremely well. I would have loved to have seen some of the licorice gouramis that you are keeping in the water portion. Stunning!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 50 × 40 cm
Title Jungle Slice
Volume 240L
Background Whole background was shaped using expanding foam and covered with Hygrolon.
Lighting Sylvania Grolux T5 2x 865mm 45W
Filtration External Fluval 106
Plants Marsilea quadrifolia,
Higrophila pinnatifida,
Ophiopogon minima,
Ficus pumila,
FIcus ssp. Panama,
Bucephalandra 'Dark achilles',
Bucephalandra 'Brown Red',
Bucephalandra 'Theia Blue Grey',
Eleocharis parvula,
Hemianthus callitrichoides,
Aerangis fuscata,
Phlebodium pseudoaureum,
Oxycoccus palustris,
Davallia fejeensis,
Asplenium viride,
Neoregelia 'Domino',
Neoregelia Red hybrid,
Marcgravia rectiflora,
Fissidens fontanus,
Fissidens sp. Switzerland,
Vesicularia dubyana,
Moss 'China',
Mix of various popular aquatic mosses,
Leucobryum glaucum,
Pistia stratiotes,
Riccia rhenana,
Animals 1x Peckoltia compta L134;
1x Baryancistrus LDA 33;
6 x Hisonotus notatus;
4 x Hypoptopoma sp. Peru 'Orange';
3 x Parotocinclus longirostris;
A pair of Parosphromenus nagyi;
Several Parosphromenus deissneri (offsprings produced);
12 x Carnegiella strigata;
Oophaga pumilio 'valiente' 1x1x0;
Paracheirodon simulans visible on photo are no longer there; were replaced by C. strigata recently.
Materials JBL Manado;
JBL Aqua basis;
Red Moor used for woodwork on both sides and; large opuva piece in centre to create an island; Other prepared woodwork - collected in forest
Additional Information Fogger is installed externally. Only demineralised water is used.

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