#745: 33L Aquatic Garden River Bubble

Russell Leidich Orlando, United States

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 41 × 41 × 36 cm
Title River Bubble
Volume 33L
Background None
Lighting IDEA Arod desk lamd with 5000K PAR38 bulb, around 1100 lumens.
Filtration None, just a 90 GPH JP-32 powerhead pointing inwards from the rear equator.
Plants Cryptocoryne balansae, Cryptocoryne parva, Anubias.
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi, Paracheirodon innesi, Caridina multidentata
Materials Driftwood, rainbow rock, and pool sand
Additional Information VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0LkI7A8z94

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