Dimensions 122 × 30 × 46 cm
Volume 208L
Background black background paper taped to the back
Lighting 220 watts of power compact lighting:
Two 55 watt 6700k bulbs and two 55 watt 5400k bulbs. Lights are on 12 hours/off 12 hours a day
Filtration Eheim 2026 cannister filter with eheim prefilter. Cannister contains (from bottom of cannister to top): >efimech, coarse filter pad, Phoszorb, efisubsrat, fine filter pad
Plants Alternanthera Roseafolia
Anubias barteri var. nana
Bacopa Caroliniana
Cryptocoryn sp.
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Heteranthera zosterifolia(a little mixed in)
Hygrophila stricta
Lileaopsis novae
Limnophila sessiliflora
Ludwigia repens
Microsorum pteropus
Vesicularia dubyana
Animals 2-Apistogramma cacatuoides 'triple red'
7-Corydoras melanistrus brevirostris
5-Otocinclus affinis
10-Rasboras heteromorpha
3-Crossocheilus siamensis
15-Cardina japonica
Materials driftwood - 36 inches long, runs across the whole length of the tank.
Additional Information Fertilized with Seachem brand fertilizers (flourish, flourish iron, flourish potassium), the flourite substrate is fertilized with Jobes 13-4-5 house plant sticks.
CO₂ setup is on it's own circuit. Water is syphoned from the tank via a sponged strainer. The water flows through a CO₂ reactor made by hydrologix. The CO₂ comes from a 5 pound cannister regulated by a marine-monsters regulator and needle valve. 1 bubble per second is added to the water. It is mixed with the water in the reactor. Then the CO₂ rich water is pumped back up towards the aquarium and exhausted through a fluval spraybar which lies horizontal just below the water surface.