Dimensions 183 × 76 × 76 cm
Volume 983L
Background black paint
Lighting (3) 72" VHO Twin-tube with (6) CoralLife 10,000k bulbs
Filtration Two Eheim 2260 Canister
Plants Narrow Leaf Ludwigia, Needle Leaf Ludwigia, Micranthemum Micromoides, Java Moss, Brazilian Penneywort, Glossostigma, Eleocharis Vivipara, Rotala Magenta.
Animals Turquoise Rainbows, Broken-Line Tetras, Cherry Barbs, Pearl Gourami, Pencilfish (unknown species), Otocinculus Catfish, Caridinia Japonica.
Materials Substrate - Mixture of laterite, gravel, Terra-Lit & Flourite (SeaChem), and petrified wood (mostly for borders).
Create a tunnelview to background to give impression of greater depth.
Turqoise rainbows need a somewhat different water quality than the plants.
Good illumination!