#49: 200L Aquatic Garden

Wolfgang Amri Voesendorf, Austria


What pretty cories playing in the grass!
— Jeff Kropp
A very nice aquascape with a balance between groups and empty area. The design could use a little color.
— Wim van Drongelen
A very attractive and healthy tank. The design could be improved by including some larger leaved plants for a change in texture.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 40 × 55 cm
Volume 200L
Background black foliage by ADA
Lighting 1x30W philips 2900K, 3x30W sylvania, 8600K, 12 hours/day
Filtration Eheim 2324 with bio rio by ADA
Plants microsorum pteroptus, rotala rotundifolia, micranthemum umbrosum, micranthemum micranthemoides, riccia fluitans, vesicularia dubiyana, eusteralis stellata, rotala wallichii, ludwigia arcuata, heteranthera zosterifolia, eleocharis parvulus, eleocharis acicularis, cryptocoryne wendtii
Animals corydoras julii, crossocheilus siamensis, rasbora heteromorpha,cheirodon axelrodi, caridina japonica
Materials substrate: aqua soil amazonia by ADA
mopani wood
Additional Information Fertilization with chelated trace mix + KNO3 + K2SO4;
CO2 Supplement by dennerle, reactor by ADA, 3 bubbles per second

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