Dimensions 30 × 25 × 28 cm
Volume 19L
Background blue aquarium background.
Lighting 2x 13 watt ahsupply power compacts, 1 x 67k, 1 x 55k.
Filtration Marineland bio wheel mini sans bio wheel.
Plants Rotala indica, Ludwigia arcuata, Lagarosiphon madagascariensis, Glossostigma elatinoides.
Animals Rasbora dorsiocellata macrop thalma, Corydoras pygmaeus, Otocinclus affinis, Cardina japonica.
Materials This aquascape uses a single piece of cured wood found in Los Padres National Forest. Substrate is Petco brand with laterite added.
Additional Information With the exception of the Lagarosiphon, the plants in this tank grow surprisingly slow. Co2 supplementation is via an M3 high pressure system with diffuser. I am currently experimenting with Azoo brand additives in this tank.