#60: 240L Aquatic Garden

Jacian Ho Singapore, Singapore


Such a nice altum photo!
— Jeff Kropp
Beautiful angels and a nice impression of what could be similar to their natural habitat. They need a higher tank as they grow.
— Wim van Drongelen
The understated planting is the perfect backdrop for a stunning collection of Altums. It is too bad that the slight murkiness of the water detracts from the overall impression of the tank. As I've stated elsewhere honesty is great but I would not include a photo of a thin-ish fish with his fins clamped. He might look brighter and happier most of the time but this photo doesn't do him justice or add positively to the impression of the entry.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 45 × 45 cm
Volume 240L
Background Black Styrofoam Backdrop
Lighting 6 x 36W FL 6500K
Filtration Diamond DIA805 Canister Filter
Plants 1. Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
2. Cyperus helferi
3. Eleocharis parvula
4. Echinodorus cordifolius 'Marble Queen'
5. Vesicularia sp
6. Echinodorus martii
7. Microsorium pteropus
8. Echinodorus 'Oriental'
9. Echinodorus 'Ozelot'
10. Echinodorus 'Red Rubin'
Animals Pterophyllum altums
Taeniacara candidi
Otocinclus affinis
Caridina japonica
Malayan shrimps
Materials River washed gravels (2-3mm)
Mangrove type driftwood

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