Dimensions 122 × 41 × 46 cm
Volume 227L
Background Painted black
Lighting 4 x 55 watt powere compacts, 2 x 65k & 2 x 71k
Filtration 2 x penguin biowheels sans bio wheel for water movement, and Eheim brand canister with spraybar.
Plants Heteranthera zosterifolia, Lagarosiphon madagascariensis, Hemianthus micranthemoides, Ludwigia arcuata, Rotala indica, Eleocharis acicularis, Riccia fluitans, Didipilis diandra, Rotala macranda, Hygrophila difformis, Sagittaria subulata, Echinodorus uraguayensis, Rotala wallichii
Animals Apistogramma cacatuoides "double full red" and "gold, Otocinclus arnoldi, Otocinclus "zebra", Carnegiella strigatta, Cardina japonica, Apistogramma spec.
Materials Three large pieces of wood were used as well as small stones covered with Riccia. Seachem's Flourite was used for the substrate.
Additional Information This aquascape only a few months old and is doing surprisingly well. I use only Seachems Flourish line for both liquid and solid fertilizer. Co2 is injected via JBJ regulator and diffuser.
There is also a nice variety of leave shape and color