#18: 219L Aquatic Garden Jungle v. 2.0

Kim Lew Redmond, United States


This aquarist has met his objectives for a healthy sustainable planted environment admirably. In terms of design however the aquascape is off-balance and for my taste too blocky and linear. A little rearranging could make for a more graceful aquascape with the same easy of maintenance. This aquarist gets brownie points from me however for the maintenance and improvement of a long-term tank. Look back at the photos of this tank last year and you can see that the aquarist has had a nice succession and turn-over from fast-growing plants as his slower growing easier to maintain plants have filled in. Nice job!
— Karen
The Telanthera roseafolia is beautiful and healthy and really draws the eye. And based on the pictures the Anubias are obvioiusly healthy since they're flowering. To improve the aquascape replace some of the Vallisneria with some taller stem plant and move the Telanthera roseafolia to the left side toward the middle of the tank. Also bring out the foreground more by moving the Anubias back a bit. Very well done.
— Bailin

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 94 × 48 × 53 cm
Title Jungle v. 2.0
Volume 219L
Background Rock wall background
Lighting Two 110W compact fluorescent lights; 12 hours/day
Filtration Eheim 2026 canister (standard filter media)
Plants Telanthera roseafolia, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Cryptocoryne walkeri, Cryptocoryne x willisii, Cryptocoryne x willisii lucens, Microsorium pteropus, Anubias nana, Anubias frazeri, Anubias coffeefolia, Rotala indica, and Vallisneria spiralis
Animals Otocinclus affinis, Crossocheilus siamensis, Corydoras adolfoi, Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi, Hemigrammus ulreyi, Paracheirodon axelrodi, Apistogramma borelli, Gasteropelecus sternicla, Rasbora heteromorpha, Palaemon pantanal, and Neritina reclivata
Materials Petrified wood; quartzite rock; gravel; Seachem Flourite
Additional Information My primary objective for this tank was to create a healthy and sustainable, fully planted aquatic environment--one requiring *relatively* little maintenance. About 18 months and a long list of plants later, I think it's just about there. See my website for details.

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