Dimensions 183 × 46 × 61 cm
Title Mudskipper Heaven
Volume 567L
Lighting 2 -- 55 watt power compact 5500 Kelvin, 2 -- 55 watt actinic blue
Filtration Waterfall is pumped through a HOT Magnum, with the motor of the magnum not turned on.
Plants Amazon Swords, Brazilian Swords, Java Ferns, Crypts, Mondo Grass, Philodenrons, Bromeliad, African Violet.
Animals Indian Mudskippers, assorted other small fish like black ruby barbs, guppies, plecos, pearl gouramis.
Materials #2 gravel, driftwood, shale
Additional Information Mudskippers really like the waterfall, and it keeps the air in the paludarium moist. Glass covers fit tightly. Water heated to around 80 degrees F. 10 -- 20% of the water changed every two weeks.