Dimensions 51 × 25 × 30 cm
Title Illusion aka Forest Edge
Volume 38L
Background Black plastic background
Lighting Two JBJ clamp on power compact 36 watts and 18 watts with 6500K on for 12 hours
Filtration 125 GPH Aquaclear powerhead w/ pre-filter floss
Plants Glossostigma elatinoides, Eleocharis parvulus, Micranthemum micranthemoides, Heteranthera zosteraefolia, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Ludwigia repens x arcuata, Vesicularia sp., Anubias petite nana, Microsorium pteropus windelov, Rotala indica, Rotala magenta and Sagittaria subulata narrow
Animals Hemigrammus erythrozonus, Otocinclus, Neocaridina deticulata and Caridina japonica.
Materials 30 lbs of Eco-complete Black Planted Substrate, 14" Malaysian driftwood and 1 piece of Petrified wood.
Additional Information DIY yeast 2 liter CO2 into the powerhead.
20% water change per week and no fertilization dosing.
My goal is to create a standard 10 gal. into a illusion of a much larger tank.
This 10 gallon received a 10th world ranking 2003 ADA and highest USA ranking ever in a ADA contest.