#107: 243L Aquatic Garden Dragon Island

Shunjung Chang Younho, Taipei County, Taiwan


Another aquarium with a great deal of potential. It looks as though the aquarist trimmed the plants too harshly too close to the photographing date. The choice of stemplants in the left side is right on let them grow out and trim them so that they branch and fill in the background to match the strong fore and mid grounds.
— Phil Edwards
Fore and middle ground layout was excellent. The background should have been filled with more stemmed plants.
— Takashi Amano
You've done the hard work of designing an attractive stable mid-ground for your tank but now it is time to work on your stem plants in the back. There is too much white space in the back where your stem plants are just starting to reach up. They need time and trimming to fill in. That will also give you the oportunity to hide your equipment if you can't pull it out for photos.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 45 × 60 cm
Title Dragon Island
Volume 243L
Lighting 39W T5 HO*4 4200K*3 & 4600K*1
Filtration EHEIM 2028p
Plants 1.Echinodorys sp. 2.Blyxa novoguineensis 3.Rptala sp. cf. macrandra 4.Myriophyllum ussuriense 5.Ludwigia sp(Cuba) 6.Rotala macrandra "Narrow-Leaf" 7.Microsorium pteropus "Windelov" 8.Rotala rotundifolia "Green" 9.Microsorium pteropus 10.Hemianthus micranthemoides 11.Vesicularia dubyana 12.Glossostigma elatinoides 13.Anubias barteri var. nana 14.Bacopa sp. 15.Bacopa sp 16.Rotala pusilla 17.Gyperus helferi 18.Echinodorus tenellus 19.Eleocharis acicularis var. longiseta 20.Isoetes japonica
Animals Cardinal Tetra(Paracheirodon axelrodi) Papiliochromis ramirezi
Materials Driftwood*3
Additional Information ADA PSS as base fertilizer
Brustmann HYDROPUR fluid 20dops daily
ADA ECA 3 drops daily
Brustmann FERROGAN 2g/ bi-weekly

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