#121: 393L Aquatic Garden

Cường Kim Mã Hanoi, Vietnam

Awards and Comments

Honorable Mention
Interesting aquascape! The sand stream is well done as is the midground. The foreground is a little spotty and could use some time to fill in. It's hard to tell what's going on in the background. Most of the plants are of similar shades and texture causing them to blend together.
— Phil Edwards
It is very nice layout. Selection and use of driftwood planting in the background were excellent. Selection of Nymphaea is not good for long term maintenance.
— Takashi Amano
Pretty tank. I love the glossy sheen to the leaves. The little sand stream is cute but I suspect that it will be hard to maintain.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 55 × 60 cm
Volume 393L
Plants 1. Hygrophila augustifolia, 2. Rotala macranda var. 'green', 3. Wendtii var., 4. Tiger lotus, 5. Cryptocoryne retrospiralis, 6. Java moss, 7. Rotala macranda, 8. Green wendtii, 9. Windelov fern, 10. Tenellus, 11. Anubias nana.
Animals White clouds, Cardinal tetras, neon tetras, platies.

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