#26: 1400L Aquatic Garden Wildlife

Okie Tanujaya Jakarta, Indonesia


Aquascaping an aquarium this large can be a big challenge and this aquascape lives up to the challenge. The greens look fairly similar in the photo but the good use of hardscape and trimming creates an attractive rolling effect. The large plants are put to good use as well.
— Phil Edwards
It looks fantastic and interesting.
The use of Nymphaea sp. may end up breaking the balance of the layout.
— Takashi Amano
You have done a nice job trying to fit some large unusual plants into a cohesive aquascape. The plants and fish are clearly healthy and happy. Unfortunately I do not care for the bubbling sand at all!!!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 200 × 100 × 70 cm
Title Wildlife
Volume 1400L
Lighting 8 x Flourecent Lamp Azoo
Filtration Eheem 2260
Chiller 3/4 PK
Plants A1 Anubias Barteri var. Barteri
A2 Anubias Barteri var. Coffeefolia
A3 Anubias Nana "Variegated"
A4 Anubias Barteri "Broadleaf"
N1 Nuphar Simadai
N2 Nuphar Luteum
N3 Nuphar Japonicum var. Lubrotinctum
N4 Nuphar Japonicum mini
C Cryptocoryne Wendtii
CN Crinum Calamistratum
B Bolbtis Heudelotii
NY1 Nymphaea Zenkeri "Red"
NY2 Nymphaea Zenkeri "Green"
MP1 Microsorium Pteropus "Latifolius"
MP2 Microsorium Pteropus "Lectus"
MP3 Microsorium Pteropus "Red Tip"
MP4 Microsorium Pteropus "Windelov"
M1 Monoselenium Tenerum from east Indonesia (without middle line of the Thallus)
M2 Various Mosses
M3 Chladophora Aegagropila "Moss Balls"
M4 Red Brown moss
DS Dancing Sand
Animals Pontius Dannysony
Congo Tetra
Labio Bicolor
Rasbora Hengeli
Cardinal Tetra
Materials Dancing Sand
Additional Information Dancing Sand is a water flow from the Eheem flowing upstream from the bottom of the aquarium and covered with sand.

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