#69: 144L Aquatic Garden The Island

Marcin Betlejewski Gdynia, Poland


The waviness of the Glossostigma and the good slope it creates up to the mound works very well. Adding some species to create more contrast would be nice.
— Phil Edwards
Nice arrangement but it would hold my interest more with a little more variety either in terms of form or color.
— Karen Randall
It is a convex composition layout but its impression is vague. It looks better with stemmed plants in the background.
— Takashi Amano

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 80 × 40 × 45 cm
Title The Island
Volume 144L
Background blue paper
Lighting 5x18W fluorescent tubes (90W)+ reflector hood
Filtration Fluval 303 and smal powerhead
Plants Microsorium pteropus 'Windelow', Glossostima elatinoides, Hydrocotyle dissecta, X-mass moss
Animals Rasbora heteromorpha 20, Caridina japonica 20
Materials I used basaltic gravel as a substrate. There are some rocks covered by moss and two pieces of driftwood.
Additional Information Fertilization: TMG 5ml/day, K2SO4 and MgSO4*6H2O after each water change. Parameters: pH 6.8, KH 5

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