#132: 72L Aquatic Garden Deep Road

Alvaro Atencia Cortes Torrox, Spain


While your plant growth is great your hardscape could be improved. The tank is too cleanly divided down the middle by the vertical surfaces of the center rocks. While a pair of angels is not too much (by themselves) to live healthy lives in a tank of this size these two are just too little to make much of a statement.
— Karen Randall
The main rock has a very interesting texture to it. I appreciate the sunset "feel" accomplished by the photography.
— Jason Baliban

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 40 cm
Title Deep Road
Volume 72L
Background White
Lighting 4 x 24 T5 12.000ºK
Filtration Eheim Ecco pro 200
Plants Eleocharis Acicularis, Hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba", Staurogyne Sp.
Animals 2 Pterophyllum scalare, too much neocaridina heterapoda "red Cherry"
Materials Penac W, Power Sand Special S, Aquasoil Amazonia II. The rocks are Seiryu Stone

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