#158: 414L Aquatic Garden Helm's Deep

Konrad Szumilas Warszawa, Poland


Lush healthy plants but a bit too gimmicky for my tastes
— Karen Randall
A long time ago I did a layout like this. Yours is executed much better than my effort was and I am very appreciative of your approach. Any LOTR rings reference is always appreciated with me.
— Jason Baliban

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 115 × 60 × 60 cm
Title Helm's Deep
Volume 414L
Background Backlight background
Lighting 2 x ADA solar 150 Wat
Filtration eheim classic
Plants eleocharis parvula, Riccardia chamedryfolia,
Animals iriatherina werneri
Materials amazonia substrate, oakh rocks,
Additional Information castle is made by myself from ceramics

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