#42: 199L Aquatic Garden The Reddish Shelter of tetras

Fernando Motta São Paulo, Brazil


Nice layout. The planting is a bit too heavy on the reds for my tastes and driftwood that was a bit thinner and more graceful would improve the design.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 70 × 57 × 50 cm
Title The Reddish Shelter of tetras
Volume 199L
Lighting 6XT8 JBL lamps of 24W (3X Jbl solar natur, 2X JBL solar tropic and 1X JBL
solar color), 8 hours per day
Filtration 2XEheim Ecco 2236 and 1XEheim Ecco 2234
Plants Rotala rotundifolia, Rotala green, Ludwigia arcuata, Ludwigia Brevipes,
Limnophyla aromatica, Rotala Wallichii, Ludwigia glandulosa, Echinodorus
tenellus, Hemianthus calitricoides
Animals Nematobrycon palmeri, Hyphessobrycon haraldschutzi, Hyphessobrycon sp.,
Axelroudia stigmata and Crossocheilus siamensis.
Materials Driftwoods and small stones.
Additional Information Substrate Tropica, PenacW, PenacP, Bacter 100, Clear super and Tourmaline
BC and Fertilization seachem system.

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