Dimensions 91 × 41 × 41 cm
Title Distant Horizon
Volume 151L
Background none-lights reflect to the house wall paint.
flashlight for sunset effect in the center
Lighting diy osram spiral in a pin light holder
Filtration diy ugf
Plants s.sabulatta,bacopa moniere sessiflora,corymbosa compact,blyxa j,sunset hygrophilla, l.aromatica, hygro polysperma amania g, r.nanjenshan, rotundifolia, w.westeria,java moss, anubias"petite"nana,stargrass, corymbosa compact, medusa, pearlweed
Animals 12pcs neon tetra, 7pcs red/orange platy
Materials black pebbles,black river sand,mangrove dw, river rocks,silica sand path
Additional Information micro, macro and 2 to 3 times water change in week