Dimensions 40 × 40 × 34 cm
Title Jungle Bubble
Volume 31L
Background None.
Lighting 11W fluorescent and 4W LED, both from IKEA, 13 hours/day.
Filtration Plants!
Plants Echinodorus tenellus, Echinodorus bleheri(?), Taxiphyllum barbieri, Fissidens fontanus, Cryptocorne sp. (green), Vallisneria sp. (like spiralis with purple tips), Anubias sp. (smaller leaves than usual nana, but maybe still nana), unknown red plant.
Animals 2 Hyphessobrycon amandae, 3 paracheirodon axelrodi, 2 Caridina multidentata, 2 Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, 2 Macrotocinclus affinis.
Materials 1 mm gravel, 1 red granite rock (invisible), 2 snail shells (1 visible), 1 twisted narrow driftwood.
Additional Information VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9vkHe84xKk
CO2: about 0.7 bubbles/second for 10 hours/day.
Water changes: about 80% per week. (It's crystal clear after a week, but I need to get access to the bottom for trimming.)
Fertilizer: 1 ml Seachem Potassium once or twice a week, 0.5ml each Seachem Trace and Iron once a week.
I live in Singapore, which is how I get away without a heater.