#6: 125L Aquatic Garden The shadow of the day

Elio Fabbrini Pietrasanta, Italy


I really like the slightly wild look of the moss and Riccia settled among your well done rockwork.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 80 × 45 × 40 cm
Title The shadow of the day
Volume 125L
Lighting 4 x 39W T5
Filtration External filter
Plants Eleocharis parvula
Riccia Fluitans
Vesicularia dubyana
Glossostigma elatinoides
Animals 10 paracheirodon innesi, 5 Caridina japonica
Materials Rocks collected in nature
Additional Information Aquasoil Amazonia II, Power sand, turmalina BC, Bacter 100. All Seachem liquid fertilization and Homemade solutions

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