#60: 76L Aquatic Garden

Dustin Guillermo Honolulu, United States


Lush tank with a a nice flow to the planting. I don't think your angels are the best fit for a tank of this size however. Also while this does NOT count toward the judging your photos would look nicer if taken with not such a wide angle lens. In some of the photos the tank almost looks like a bow front.
— Karen Randall
Beautiful growth in this layout. The repens is a beautiful plant.
— Jason Baliban

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 61 × 32 × 43 cm
Volume 76L
Background Black
Lighting Jalli 55x2 8 hours per day
Filtration Aquaclear 50 2x
Plants Java Fern (narrow leaf), Lilaeopsis, Fissedens Fontanus, Juncus repens
Animals 6 Blue Angel Fish
Materials Malaysian driftwood, ADA soil powder,
Additional Information Flourish Excel-Daily

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