#102: 200L Aquatic Garden The Masai Mara

Abdullah Tezer İZMİT, Turkey


I love your depiction of the African savanna. Creative and well done.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 40 × 50 cm
Title The Masai Mara
Volume 200L
Background Background lighting
Lighting 2x 30w T8 Grolux, 2x 30w T8 Aquastar, 1x 40w T5 Aquastar
Filtration Ehiem 2013
Plants 1-Christmas moss, 2-Java moss, 3-Blyxa aubertii, 4-Monosolenium tenerum, 5-Microsorium windelov, 6-Eleocharis parvula, 7-Hemianthus cuba
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi x 11, Crossocheilus siamensis(SAE)x 2, Otocinclus affinis x1, Neocaridina denticulata x +25, Anentome helena x 3
Materials Red moore driftwood, upper branches,
Additional Information Sera floredepot 2.4kg, Aquaclay 10kg, Basalt sand 20kg, 2kg Co2 tube, DIY diffusore, Seachem Flourish excel, DIY NPK + microelement fertilizers. 50% water change per week

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