#110: 72L Aquatic Garden Deep Heights

Luca Zivoli TRIESTE, Italy


I like your background rockwork but the white stiped rock in front doesn't work well with the other rock. Your H.c. Is fantastic and I like your path through the tank. But the stem plnts need better trimming technique so that the become bushier and have nicer shapes.
— Karen Randall
The perspective in a such small tank is very good. Unfortunately the plants need to be pruned more to grow more dense.
— Luca Galarraga
Great scale. Good choice of plants to achieve desired effect. Nice overall appearance. Wish the fauna were more visible. Well done.
— Drinda Jacobson
Deep hills a good perspective created indeed. The selection of the foreground stone could have been similar to those in the poster.
— Inderjeet Singh Bansal

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 61 × 31 × 36 cm
Title Deep Heights
Volume 72L
Lighting 2 T5 Hagen Life-Glo 24w
Filtration Eheim 2211
Plants Elatine triandra,
Flame moss,
Hemianthus callitrichoides,
Hemianthus micranthemoides,
Riccardia chamedryfolia,
Rotala butterfly,
Rotala wallichii
Animals Otocinclus affinis,
Rasbora axelrodi
Materials Dragon stones,
River stones
Additional Information Volcanic lapilli,
Tropica plant substrate,
Akoral Fertilization

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