#165: 45L Aquatic Garden Realm of Tranquility

Robertus Hartono Singapore, Singapore


The selection of the stones not very impressive could have been bit smaller as compared to Eleocharis parvula.
— Inderjeet Singh Bansal
This may be a nice scape but with it overgrown it's hard to tell. The hardscape is hidden.
— Drinda Jacobson
Pure harmony!
— Oliver Knott

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 25 cm
Title Realm of Tranquility
Volume 45L
Background None
Lighting 2x55 watts 7000K PL light
Filtration Eheim 2215
Plants Eleocharis parvula
Animals Neocaridina heteropoda var. "red"
Caridina cantonensis sp. "red"
Paracheirodon simulans (green neon tetra)
Materials ADA Amazonia

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