Dimensions 35 × 35 × 40 cm
Title Shades of the Mushroom Trees
Volume 49L
Lighting 2x26W PowerCompact; 1x18W PowerCompact, 10 hours/day
Filtration Eheim Professionel 2, 950 l/h, Substrat Pro and ceramic rings
Plants 1 Eleocharis parvula; 2 Echinodorus tenellus; 3 Marsilea hirsuta; 4 Hemianthus micranthemoides; 5 Pogostemon helferi; 6 Anubias barteri var. nana; 7 Hydrocotyle vulgaris; 8 Vesicularia montagnei; 9 Cryptocoryne wendtii; 10 Microsorum pteropus; 11 Rotala sp 'green'
Animals 12 Celestial Pearl Danios (Danio margaritatus); Tiger shrimp (Caridina serrata); various Clithon snails, mostly Clithon corona
Materials Red Moor branches
Additional Information Substrate: JBL AquaBasis Plus as base layer and JBL Manado above it;
CO2: pressurized system with glass diffuser;
Fertilization: GreenAqua Micro and Macro based on Estimative Index and EasyLife EasyCarbo;
Water change: 50% once a week with full RO water