Dimensions 30 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Alone in the dark
Volume 27L
Background mist
Lighting 25W 6500K
Filtration Filtration:
first: cascade NF-300 [300l/h]
second : Aquael Fan-1 plus
Plants Eleocharis acicularis, glossostigma elatinoides, Pogostemon helferi, christmass moss, flame moss, Cryptocoryne wendtii green, staurogyne repens,
Animals 4x wild Poecilia sphenops, xxx Neocaridina heteropoda var. red,
Materials Amazonia I, uknown rocks type,
Additional Information This tank is 9 months old, some changes in plants during this time were made but now it's growing with it one life. I'm adding only 1ml of Ferka fertilizers every week. No water change is made just refilling water RO 50/50 with tap water.