#268: 38L Aquatic Garden Terrassana SotaRiu

Jonan Villanueva Gutierrez Terrassa, Spain


The color of the P. titteya shows the aquarium health. The hardscape could be better positioned the "X" shape isn't so atractive.
— Luca Galarraga

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 28 × 30 cm
Title Terrassana SotaRiu
Volume 38L
Lighting 1 Pll 24w Phillips Daylight 6500k X 8 hours
Filtration Eheim Liberty 2042 with Ada BioRio and Bamboo charcoal.
Plants 1. Hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba".
2. Cryptocoryne wendtii bronze
3. Hemianthus micranthemoides
4. Rotala Rotundifolia red
5. Taxiphyllum sp
6. Glossostigma elatinoides
Animals 10x Puntius titteya
25x Neocaridina heteropoda red
2x Ottocinclus affinis
Materials Ada Amazonia, Erica arborea´s roots
Additional Information Ada Brighty K
Ada Green Brighty Step 3
Ada Green Brighty Special Shade
CO2 x 2 Bubbles per second with Glass difuser

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