#399: 10L Paludarium Wall of life

Luis Embalo London, United Kingdom


Plants look a little limp and unhappy. It can be hard to plan a paludarium in such a small tank.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 30 × 45 cm
Title Wall of life
Volume 10L
Background DYI wall, using expanding foam, moss and plastikote.
Lighting Using 2 39W T8's bulbs.
Filtration Using a internal filter, that will pump the water up to the back of the wall, that will then run down at the front.
Plants - Java Fern
- Hygrophila Pinnatifida
- Hygrophila Corymbosa
- Java moss
- Polygonum sp.
- Cryptocoryne Tropica Red
- Cypherus helferi
- Bolbitis Heudoloti
- Riccia
- Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
- Micranthemum Micranthemoides
- Cardamine Lyrata
Animals - About 10 Red Ramshorn Snail
Materials Using gravel and granite rocks. Plants are on soil or on the mesh wall.
Additional Information Using EI dosing on the water, and plants are sprayed once day.

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