#413: 40L Aquatic Garden Memory Hill

FuYansong QingDao, China


Even the plants are in excellent health the hardscape was hidden by the mosses. Some plants are too big for this layout.
— Luca Galarraga
Parts of your aquacape are very nice but the larger solitary plants sticking up here and there do nothing for the layout.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Memory Hill
Volume 40L
Plants 三角莫斯、松茸莫斯、黑木蕨、迷你矮珍珠、牛毛、温蒂椒草、插柱花、珍珠草、小红梅
Animals 宝莲灯、双目灯、小精灵、黑线飞狐

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