#58: 15L Aquatic Garden Grass Land

Wilta Lee Jakarta, Indonesia


The first thing you need to do is make sure your water surface is clean and remove the equipment from your tank. Your plants are nice and healthy but you need stronger rockwork. Look at some of the other iwagumi type tanks for ideas!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 20 × 25 cm
Title Grass Land
Volume 15L
Background tank background black sticker
Lighting 23w spiral osram 7200K.
Filtration Resun CY-20
Plants Hair Grass Japan
Anubias petite
Marsiela Hirsuta
Flame moss
elatine triandra
staurogyne sp.
Animals boraras brigitae 4 heads
otocinclus affinis 1 heads
horned nerites 3 heads.
Materials Silica sand
slate rocks.
Additional Information Tetra Initial Sticks.
Fertilizer Kei Mac + kei Mic.
Bazooka co2 atomizer.

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