#130: 200L Aquatic Garden The black stone

Luca Zivoli Trieste, Italy


Good rock placement and very nice foreground. The stem plants don't look as nicely maintained as the foreground though.
— Kris Weinhold

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 50 × 40 cm
Title The black stone
Volume 200L
Lighting 2 HQI 70w
Plants pogostemon erectus,
elatine triandra,
hemianthus callitrichoides,
hemianthus micranthemoides,
riccardia chamedryfolia,
rotala butterfly,
rotala wallichii,
rotala nanjenshan,
fissidens fontanus
Animals Paracheirodon simulans,
Paracheirodon axelrodi,
Additional Information EQUO (K7, Fe&Mg, Tracce, P7, N7, Linfa)

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