Dimensions 12 × 12 × 12 cm
Title The Cuuube
Volume 29L
Background None, only a small 15W orange colored night lamp has been used to give the effect with the top light being kept at an angle to the wall which is yellow in color
Lighting 2*15W PLL (6500K)
Filtration Resun Mini canister filter
Plants Vesicularia montagnei, Sagittaria subulata, Pygmy Amazon, Taxiphyllum barbieri, Rotala Wallichii Red, Myaca Fluviantilis, Potamogeton Gayi, Riccia Fontanus, Ludwegia Repens,Myriophyllum Tuberculatum, Blyxa Japonica
Animals Celestial Pearl Danio - (1 female 1 male), Poecilia Reticulata - (1 female)+ few fries, Otocinclus Macrospilus - 2, Red Cherry shrimp - 6, Indian Cardina (shrimp) sp. - 4
Materials Substrate - Controsoil (4mm) + crushed podwer controsoil as top layer. Locally collected rocks+ driftwood.
Additional Information Stock DIY macro/micro nutrient solution 1ml per day on an alternating basis. Seachem Flourish 3ml+Seachem Trace 3ml once a week on every water change