#171: 80L Aquatic Garden Jungle Box

Juan Puchades Rufino valencia, Spain


Incredible rocks but they are not placed in a harmonious way. The grass in the back right looks sloppy.
— Kris Weinhold
Very healthy tank with some beautifully grown Hemianthus as your foreground. Although the placement of your rocks are well done the vertical aspect clashes in the tank and doesn't provide a sense of harmony. Slanting some of the largest rocks will give a more depth to your aquascape. Also remove or prune the Eleocharis from the upper right as it detracts from the tank.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 62 × 36 × 36 cm
Title Jungle Box
Volume 80L
Background -
Lighting 4 x T5HO 24W 6500wk
Filtration EHEIM 2224 Professional
Plants Eleocharis Vivipara, eleocharis acicularis, hemianthus callitrichoides, riccardia chamedryfolia, staurogyne repens, taxiphyllum sp. spiky
Animals Paracheirodon simulans (18), Crossochelius siamensis (3 small), Caridina Japonica (12)
Materials Substrate ADA Amazonia + ADA Poer Sand.
Dragon Stone (3 central + 8)
Additional Information Brighty K (3day) + STEP 2 (2 day) + Green gain, green bacter, phyton git (every water change) + 1.5 bubbles per second CO2 atomizer.

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