#237: 132L Aquatic Garden Wisteria Jungle

Jorge L. Perez Hialeah, United States


Definitely a low tech aquascape but the plants look healthy.
— Kris Weinhold
Good start to your tank! The plants are doing great and should be ready for pruning shaping. Prune the plants back by trimming at an angle to create shape to each plant grouping. Keep your rocks a consistent type and color to harmonize the tank. Great start!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 36 × 12 × 18 cm
Title Wisteria Jungle
Volume 132L
Background None
Lighting 1 T8 Fluorescent light 20W.
2x 14W daylight CFL (60W).
1 Color changing decorative LED (3W).
Filtration Home made canister filter.
Plants Wisteria, Hygrophila difformis.
Java fern,Microsorum pteropus.
Water sprite, Ceratopteris thalictroides.
Red Wendtii Crypt, Cryptocorine wendtii.
Amazon sword, Echinodorus bleheri.
Sagitaria, Sagittaria subulata.
Dwarf Baby Tears, Hemianthus callitrichoides.
Anubias Barteri Var. Nana.
Animals 2 x Pearl gourami, Trichopodus leerii.
2 x Long fin tetra serpae, Hyphessobrycon serpae.
1 x Betta, Betta splendens.
2 x Zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio.
12 x Neon tetra, Paracheirodon innesi.
2 x Koi angel fish, Pterophyllum scalare.
2 x Cherry barb, Puntius titteya.
2x Mystery Snail, Pomacea bridgesii.
Materials Decorative castle.
Artificial rock as support for Java fern.
Natural rocks.
Additional Information No fertilization. Substrate: bottom layer organic soil, top layer gravel. No CO2. Partial water change once every two months. Timer cycle: 10 hr light. Aquarium age: 3 months.

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