#257: 54L Aquatic Garden Another world

Kim Pulkki Eskilstuna, Sweden


Really interesting rock work! It actually resembles more of a marine environment than freshwater which is cool. That said I'm having a difficult time figuring out where to look as there's no clear focal point. My eyes bounce from the middle rocks and the open path.
— Kris Weinhold
Those are some impressive rocks although their positioning or size isn't quite optimal. The large rock in the middle doesn't fit in the aquascape and would be much better if it were smaller. Keep the gravel in the foreground level in this type of aquascape and avoid slopes. Love the selection of fish!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Another world
Volume 54L
Background Frosted palstic film and white board.
Lighting 3x 23W Welleman 6500K, 7h/day
Filtration Eheim 2042
Plants Riccardia chamedryfolia, Eleocharis acicularis, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Lomariopsis lineata.
Animals Axelrodia riesei & Sundadanio axelrodi.
Materials Lava rock and sand

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