#269: 12L Aquatic Garden Shrimps Valley

Roman Holba Slavičín, Czech Republic


Lush healthy growth but Stuarogyne repens looks too big for a 12L tank.
— Kris Weinhold
The composition of the tank is good overall the right side of the layout seems too heavy because of the plants size I suggest to use the plants in a way that seem more natural to enhance the look of your planted tank.
— Luis Navarro
Beautiful and healthy tank! Only a few small things would make this tank even better. Giving the moss a small pruning to shape the right side would create more size contrast in the tank and bring out the driftwood which is buried by the growth.
— Bailin Shaw
Pretty lush aquascape with a nice balance of large andsmall leafed plants. I don't know what the dark thing wesee in the back is...maybe wood with moss on it? But it draws the eye up and out of the tank. Remove that and what I think is a cord and the tank would present much stronger.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 20 × 20 cm
Title Shrimps Valley
Volume 12L
Lighting CFL 20W/6500K
Filtration AquaClear 30
Plants Fissidens fontanus, flame moss, Hemianthus callitrichoides, hydrocotyle sp. japan, Micranthemum callitrichoides, Staurogyne repens
Animals Neocaridina Heteropoda sp. Red cherry, Caridina cantonensis sp. Crystal Red, Boraras brigittae
Materials rock, wood, Aquasoil Amazonia
Additional Information ProFito, EasyCarbo, PO4

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