Dimensions 180 × 60 × 65 cm
Title Moments of Tranquility
Volume 702L
Background Blue PVC plate
Lighting 300 Watts T5HO, 6500K
Filtration 2x Eheim 2078e
Plants Limnophila hippuridoides;
Bacopa colorata;
Microsorum pteropus;
Ludwigia repens "super red";
Pogestemon erectus;
Heteranthera zosterfolia;
Cryptocoryne wendtii "tropica";
Anubias barteri "coffeefolia";
Blyxa japonica;
Staurogyne repens;
Pogestemon helferi;
Animals 100 Paracheirodon axelrodi;
18 Carnegiella strigata;
6 Otocinclus affinis;
2 Hypoptopoma thoracatum;
10 Caridina multidentata;
Materials Manzanita driftwood;
Substrate: HS Aquasoil and HS Flourite black
Additional Information Estimative Index fertilization method;
CO2 fertilization with pH controller;
Vortech MP20 powerhead