#302: 270L Aquatic Garden Jouns dans la cour des grands

PAYET Kenny PARIS, France


Nice healthy plants! I think the focal rock might be too large as it over powers the surrounding mounds which is unfortunately since you did such a nice job with the plants.
— Kris Weinhold

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 50 × 45 cm
Title Jouns dans la cour des grands
Volume 270L
Background background backlight
Lighting 2*150W HQI (1* 8000K; 1* 5200K) during 7.5 hours per day
Filtration external filter 900L/H
Plants 1- Hemianthus Callitrichoides cuba
2- Hydrocotyle tripartita
3- Riccia fluitans
4- Pogostemon helferi
5- Anubia barteri nana
6- Microsorum pteropus narrow leaf
7- Bolbitis heudeloti
8- Microsorum pteropus split narrow leaf
9- Cryptocorine mi oya
10- Cryptocorine petchii
11- Microsorum pteropus split narrow leaf
12- Rotala indica
13- Heteranthera zosterifolia
14- Ludwigia arcuata
15- Valisneria spiralis
16- Eleoccharis acicularis
17- Ranunculus inundatus
18- Ecchinodorus tenellus
19- Staurogyne sp.
20- Salvinia natans
Animals 50 Paracheirodon simulans
50 Hyphessobrycon amandae
15 Otocinclus afinis
2 Apareiodon affinis
15 Caridina multidenta
+++ Neocaridina heteropoda var. red
Materials Nourishing ground covered with quartz + balls of fertilizer in the feet of the demanding plants.
Mangrove roots and french rocks from the Catalan area

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