#338: 75L Aquatic Garden The name of my first aquascape-"Blue Lagune".Seyshely, isl.Lya Digue. From my pleasant memories, tryed to greate a small lagune of Seychellois island paradise.

Svetlana Illychivsk, Ukraine


This is great for your first aquascape! The large plants near the surface on the left and center are very distracting however and hide some of the beauty of the aquascape behind them.
— Kris Weinhold
Interesting lagoon concept and I hope it reminds you of pleasant memories from your past. The use of the plants to create the "palm" trees was unique and definitely gives the tank a tropical appearance. In the future use consistent types of rocks instead of mixing the differences clash in the tank. Also you need to prune the tank some to shape the different parts of the tank.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 35 × 35 cm
Title The name of my first aquascape-"Blue Lagune".Seyshely, isl.Lya Digue.
From my pleasant memories, tryed to greate a small lagune of Seychellois island paradise.
Volume 75L
Background not used
Lighting Hagen
Flora-Glo ,20w
+Osram Flora,20w
Filtration AquaEL,Fan-2 Plus. , 100-150L.
Plants Телорез обыкновенный(Stratiotes aloides)
Бликса японская (Blyxa japonica)
Людвигия Овалис(Ludwigia ovalis)
Дидиплис Диандра(Didiplis diandra)
Гидрокотила Трипартита(Hydrocotyle tripartita)
Марсилия четырёхлистная(Marsilea giadrifolia)
Тонина Белем(Tonina sp.Belem)
Анубиас Нана карликовый (Anubias barteri var. nana)
Taxiphyllum sp. - Spiky Moss
Fontinalis hypnoides
Amblystegium sp. - Brasil-moos
Drepanocladus sp. - Flat moss
Blepharostoma trichophyllum
Climacium sp. - Woody moss
Isopterygium sp. - Mini Taiwan-moss
Riccia fluitans
Riccia sp. "Dwarf" - Riccia Amano
Animals Fishes:
Красный Неон(Paracheirodon axelrodi)
Чёрный Неон(Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi)
Апистограмма "блю неон" (Electric Blue Ram)
Вишневые креветки (Neocaridina denticulata Red Cherry)
Materials Grape Vines
Mopani wood
Additional Information TetraPlant PlantaMin.
TetraPlant CompleteSubstrate.

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