#367: 65L Aquatic Garden Green in the summer

Chun Wei Huang Taipei, Taiwan


Nice aquascape but you might need a few more rocks on the right side and the plants in the back could be groomed.
— Kris Weinhold
Nice little tank. The Glossostigma is growing nicely as is the Echinodorus. The arrangement of e rocks needs to be reconsidered and I'd move the lone rock on the right to the far left to give the tank more cohesion. Also move the Blyxa further to the left.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 60 × 36 cm
Title Green in the summer
Volume 65L
Filtration EHEIM 2215;
EHEIM 2213
Plants Glossostigma elatinoides;
Blyxa japonica;
Echinodorus tenellus;
Eleochris vivipara;
Elecharis sp.;
Cryptocoryne parva;
Crinum calamistratum
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi;
Crossocheilus siamensis;
Caridina japonica;
Caridina sp.;
Crossocheilus reticulatus
Materials Stone

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